Student Profiles
Abner Beltran
“While I knew I wanted to go to UTD, a huge barrier was the cost. I originally planned to go to community college and then transfer to UTD. ABP gave me the chance to attend UTD and not have to worry about finances. This gave me a better education that I am grateful for. In the program, I met with alumni from ABP which helped me secure an internship that is giving me experience in the workforce. I would not be in the same position if it weren’t for ABP.”
Andrea Camacho
“The Academic Bridge Program has opened many doors for me, and without it I know achieving my degree would have been extremely difficult due to all the rough paths I’ve been placed along. This program has made my college experience incredible due to all the resources they provide.”
Trina Choi
“ABP has provided a plethora of opportunities to succeed academically, relationally and financially. Academically, I was able to receive tutoring from intelligent upperclassmen and tutors. I was also able to help tutor underclassmen and provide college advice when needed. Relationally, we interact with other students in the ABP lounge and the computer lab. Whether they are little chats or long conversations, we build lasting relationships with one another. In fact, through ABP, I was able to meet my significant other during my freshman year. Financially, ABP provides housing and stipend. Being able to live on campus allows me to focus on my studies and get plugged into campus. Also, ABP has provided book scholarships, various other scholarships, and work-study opportunities that I can have access to. A highlight of my experience within the program was being able to stay on campus while fast-tracking for my accounting major.”
Jennifer Garcia
“I started the Academic Bridge Program during the summer of 2015. ABP helped me stay on track with taking my academic journey serious and providing a community that understands where you come from and where you want to go. The support of other students, mentors and faculty allowed me to flourish as a scholar and discover my potential. I love that the Academic Bridge Program allows underrepresented students to get into college but also supports them to stay and graduate.”
Meron Lakew
“ABP has allowed me to have a great education without worrying about the cost of housing. If I did not have the chance to live on campus and be fully immersed in my education, I think it would’ve been difficult for me to complete my degree. I enjoyed the community I found with the program that I still have even after graduating. I still have fond memories of my first semester being at UT Dallas because of the Academic Bridge Program. It was the best semester I had while attending UT Dallas where I maintained a 4.0 GPA while still connecting with friends within the scholarship.”
Latraitkeus (Trey) Smith II
“I came to ABP in 2015. The Academic Bridge Program provided me with a multitude of academic resources to help in obtaining the best grades I can. Also through the ABP, I was also able to gain a valuable co-op opportunity at Nokia as a Network Analyst. The best aspects of ABP include the wonderful staff whom I have come to appreciate and the network of resources provided in addition to the community of like-minded students who all are pursuing success in one way or another. It has provided me with so much in my four years at The University of Texas at Dallas, and I truly am grateful for the staff and faculty affiliated with the program.”
Bryson Thomas
“The Academic Bridge Program had a major impact on both my ability to attend and perform well in college. The most important aspect for me is the housing scholarship. Living on campus has been crucial for my academic success. The staff has also been respectful and ready to help whenever I needed it. Though I was initially too shy to ask for help, I was eventually able to be more open about my needs thanks to the staff.”